
1921年5月19日] 迈克尔-卢埃林-戴维斯(Michael Llewelyn Davies)是启发J.M. Barrie创作《彼得-潘》和《迷失的男孩》的四兄弟之一,他与牛津大学的同学鲁伯特-巴克斯顿一起溺水身亡,时年20岁。他们在泰晤士河的一个危险水池中游泳。
[May 19, 1921] Michael Llewelyn Davies, one of 4 brothers who inspired J.M. Barrie to create Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, drowns at age 20 along with fellow Oxford student Rupert Buxton. They had been swimming in a dangerous pool of the River Thames.
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