
[1921年6月9日] 塞缪尔-恩特迈尔宣布亨利-福特是一个 "疯狂的帽匠",因为他在《迪尔伯恩独立报》上发表了一系列反犹太主义的文章。"为什么人们不能意识到,一个廉价的、小气的、无知的、已经变得富有的人可以像任何一个精神病院的囚犯的穷鬼一样疯狂?"
[June 9, 1921] Samuel Untermeyer declares Henry Ford a "mad hatter" for his series of anti-Semitic articles in the Dearborn Independent. "Why can't the people realize that a cheap, petty, ignorant man who has grown rich can get just as crazy as any poor devil of an inmate of a lunatic asylum?"
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