[June 19th, 1921] Members of Parliament visit the Airship R36 at Pulham. Passengers board the airship by climbing the stairs in the mooring mast.
from /r/100yearsago
1921年6月19日] 议会成员在普勒姆参观R36飞艇。乘客通过爬上停泊桅杆上的楼梯登上飞艇。
1921年6月19日] 议会成员在普勒姆参观R36飞艇。乘客通过爬上停泊桅杆上的楼梯登上飞艇。
[June 19th, 1921] Members of Parliament visit the Airship R36 at Pulham. Passengers board the airship by climbing the stairs in the mooring mast.
from /r/100yearsago